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To assist organizations in rapidly obtaining significant revenue, margins, and productivity gains through strategic process improvement consulting, training, and program management without major capital expenditures.

Why Use OpEx Solutions, Inc.?
  • Shortest & least disruptive path to operational excellence

  • Self-funding with a very short payback period

  • Twice the results with half the effort

  • Coach all levels of the organization

  • Current with latest methods & techniques

  • Comprehensive operational excellence offerings

Our Approach

OpEx Solutions, Inc.  was founded to develop people and organizations. Many companies make radical decisions on off-shoring or next-dooring,  and replacing their operational excellence systems, which result in significant transformation costs, long gestation periods, and the risk of losing their intellectual property. Unlike these radical changes, OpEx Solutions develops and continuously improves companies’ own people, processes, and equipment to develop their own way to operational excellence transformation.

In order to help organizations to develop their own people, processes and systems, OpEx Solutions has formed two distinct divisions that complement each other: 

  • The OpEx Consortia provides regional forums for sharing knowledge and experience between member companies in the use of operational excellence tools and systems to drive strategic productivity improvement

  • Global OpEx Solutions provides consulting, training and project management to help identify strategic areas for improvement and offers effective high-value low-cost solutions to drive significant productivity improvement through the use of operational excellence tools and systems in manufacturing and service industries

Certifications & Designations


Click on the TCEQ underlined text to go to their site.​

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

(TCEQ) Approved Training Provider



Historically Underutilized Business (HUB)

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE)

Small Business Enterprise (SBE)

South Texas Regional Certification Agency (SCTRCA)

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OSI is a PMI Authorized Training Partner #3510.

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OSI is a VMEdu Authorized Training Partner (V.A.T.P.). 

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